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This gym has been my home since the doors opened in 2009. I loved everything about it- it was different, it was a place where there was just no judgement. Its was welcoming and fun. When the owners decided they wanted to move on I was offered a chance to take it over. The idea of losing this place and the amazing group of people that made it so special was just not an option. I took over in 2019 and never looked back. What makes this gym such a great place is not the equipment or the music or even the boxing bags (even though I Love them lol). It’s the instructors and the members who come here- cheesy but true. Squared Circle Studio is the “Cheers” of gyms- everyone knows your name…and your birthday….and your kids’ names (you get my point). Personally, I’ve always been an active person. I liked working out, but gyms were a bit intimidating and scary. The other option was working out at home, which never happened- dishes to do laundry to fold etc. Squared Circle was the answer! It’s welcoming and friendly- you’ll immediately be greeted by the members that are there that day. No judgements- Just encouragement! Not only do the instructors give you personal attention but members are happy to help you too! Classes are small and fun (you’ll never catch me on a treadmill but always a mini trampoline). The best part is no matter what class; you work at your own pace and never have to worry about “keeping up”. So come try something new, have a good time, make a friend or two and see why we all love it so much!

-Jackie Shay


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